Clicker Training is a method working with positive reinforcement to teach your dog wanted behaviour, and it is also a simple and awesome way to communicate with your canine companion.

Dogs usually respond very nicely to this method as it sets them up to succeed which is crucial for motivation and learning. It is also pretty effective and won't take much of your time.

You will need a clicker, a treat bag and/or bowl with about 20 -30 treats, about 3x5min of undisturbed time per day and your dog.

The Clicker is hereby not, as sometimes misunderstood, a means of reward but an event marker, marking a certain behaviour as a desirable one, in connection with the reward that ALWAYS follows the click, You could as well use a markerword like "yes", followed by a reward, or any other noise, as long as the dog connects it with her behaviour.

Rewards are usually treats. If you have a ravenous Labrador, his normal correls will suffice (you will want to deduct them from his daily food ration) - a picky German Shepherd might require some higher valued food like roasted chicken, liverspread or peanutbutter bread, little cubes of cheese etc. Even for the Labrador it is highly recommendable to have at least one high-valued treat per session which will be the "jackpot" of the exercise.


Here are some Youtube Videos on how to get started:

Getting started with Donna Hill


Getting started - showing various clickers and explain step by step